Money can be as difficult to discuss as sex, religion and politics. I think the topic is so challenging because while our bank and physical assets are what technically qualifies someone as rich, I believe that true wealth is a much greater concept that includes several other types of capital.
Folklore says that a pot of gold awaits at the end of every rainbow. What if this pot of gold is like our true wealth, and our bank or material wealth is only filling up a small portion of the pot?
I’d like to invite you to think of wealth as a combination of assets that includes material wealth, social capital, intellectual and creative reserves, time, spiritual wealth, energy, and physical and mental health. Each is important in contributing to what it means to be rich.
Of course material wealth is important. We need to know our numbers and we need to manage that wealth wisely. And, of course, we need to earn enough to live a comfortable life. But what would happen if we put a similar importance on the other types of wealth?
Let’s take a look…
When we have conversations about wealth, we need to include
all the different types of capital that we possess. By obsessing about bank wealth and money, we’re depriving ourselves of filling up our pots completely. However, by expanding our definition of wealth to include different types of capital, we can all find our path to feeling financially successful. This expanded sense of wealth gives us confidence, exactly the counterpoint to an economic system that tells us that we never have enough. It can also help us gain access to this system that many of us feel is out of reach or restricted.
Finally, while each row of the wealth rainbow might seem like its own pursuit, remember that magic can happen when different types of capital come together. Merge intellectual and creative reserves with spiritual wealth and an artist is born. Physical and mental health can combine with time and energy to build a type of new fitness program. I encourage you to get familiar with all the different types of capital you can draw on to pursue your dreams.
You’ll reach your pot of gold, and your true wealth, much sooner than you think.
I’ve been a financial advisor for over thirty years, co-founding the wealth management firm Abacus, and was one of the first to apply mindfulness techniques to the profession. Check out my website for more on how to build a better relationship with money.
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